 Susan our Fearless Leader
  BQE  Update by Allison. SFMQG is very excited to be a part of this event.
 Community Service
 Ryan’s Case for Smiles
 Nominating committee needed for 2019 board. Please see Andrea or Susan
 July BOM won by Abbie
 July BOM due at August Meeting
 Mystery QAL Clue #3
 Patti Reading Mystery QAL Clue #4
 Karla Showing Plans for 2019 QuiltCon Charity Quilt  Interested Members Selected Fabric to Make Small Pieced Blocks.
 Karla Made a Quilt Top with leftover 2018 QuiltCon Charity Blocks for Community Service Auction
 Member AJ Grossman presented lecture on Color Theory from her work experience in the NYC clothing industry.
 Anita won Name Tag Raffle Prize - Travel Pincushion  SHOW & TELL
 Patti showed 3 quilts she made testing patterns for Erica Jackman  @kitchentablequilting
 Maureen showed off her results from Shibori Indigo Dyeing and Pattern Block Printing on Fabric Workshops she took at  IS Projects
 DebbieK showed off her completed quilt resulting from BQE 2017  Sherri Lynn Wood  Bias Strip Curves Workshop. She cut the curves into smaller squares to make it her own style.
 Li’s 2 Modern Minis
 Catherine painted the Florida block with her daughter.
 Wanda’s Traverse Bag made at Kate’s Workshop
 Abbie’s Traverse Bag made at Kate’s Workshop
 Alyson’s Traverse Bag made at Kate’s Workshop
 Cindi’s 2018 Cherrywood Prince Challenge quilt
 Ivy’s “I’ve got the Blues” HST quilt for a friend.
 Ivy’s “I’ve got the Blues” back - all from her stash.
 Christine’s Black/White/Red quilt for her son.
 Charlotte’s Bear quilt for her son’s new apartment.
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