SATURDAY, February 27th, 2021 1PM-4PM
Sherry started the meeting at 1:00PM
Cassandra Beaver presented a Trunk Show showing the length and breadth of her quilting experience, trends and themes, and influences. A new phrase was learned: potholder quilts. She ended with a long Q&A session. She stayed through 10 minute break to talk with members. Her 2 workshops later this year are sold out. There were 68 attendees.
Treasurer - AJ Balance $11,170. All teachers booked have been paid.
Membership - Charlotte we have 119 members, including 4 new members, Abbey C, Carmen S, Laura C, Susan S. Welcome all.
BQE - AJ Airing of quilts Sunday 3/7 at New River Inn and adjacent buildings, our guild table is accepting donations. Friday-Sunday 3/5-3/7/21. Quilts being collected by Kane and AJ. More details can be found on the Broward Quilt Expo website.
BOM - Cathy 2 drawings were held for past BOM’s. Winners are Pam for last July and Marie for January. Congratulations.
This months BOM is a special project using free diamond pattern on MQG website. Link in email. We are asking for 2 blocks per member in 6 bright colors. Due March. Volunteers needed to assemble quilt. Charlotte has graciously volunteered to quilt it. Quilt to be raffled off in a October. Send completed blocks to CathyW - 1 block = 1 stamp - for multiple blocks, please make sure to add additional postage.
Charity - Susan and Chris Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse is the women’s shelter chosen. Goal is 25 twin sized quilts this year. We are asking for 5 blocks per member. It’s a tossed 9 patch block aka Eleanor Burns. White center block with any colors for balance. Directions on website.
QAL - Patti The new QAL will be starting in April. Look for the email which will be coming out soon.
Events with Sherry and CathyW
March - Christine Hager-Braun Lecture - Create with Confidence
April - Marge Tucker Lecture - Improv and Abstractions in Antique Quilts
April Workshop - Cassandra Beaver - Piecing Full Circles - Sold Out - wait list available.
May Workshop #2 - Cassandra Beaver - Piecing Full Circles - Sold Out - wait list available.
June - Yvonne Fuchs @quiltingjetgirl Lecture - Transparency Quilts - Fabric Selection Tips & Tricks
June Workshop - Yvonne Fuchs - Wayward Transparency - Sold Out - wait list available.
August Workshop - Cindy Grisdela - Fearless Curved Piecing - Sold Out - wait list available.
Stay tuned for more lecture and workshop info for the rest of the year.
Sip & Sew Zoom 2nd Thursday of each month 8pm-10:30pm.
#playgroundbom Small Zoom Group for Corinne Sovey's Playground Skillbuilder Quilt Along 4th Thursday of each month 8pm-10:30pm till end of the year.
Suggestions for small Zoom groups with like-minded activities contact Sherry or Sandy.
Summary of all online events can be found here
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