Hello Quilty Friends!
I made a brief announcement at September's meeting about a new challenge and here are the details I promised!
image from daintytime.net
Many of us follow Sherri Lynn Wood since the publication of her amazing "Improv Quilting" book. Over the past four months she has been doing a residency at the Public Disposal and Recycle Area where she lives in San Francisco and is making eight quilts using 99% of recycled material. It's been fascinating to see her "finds" and how she is able to make beautiful art out of what has been discarded. Which got me thinking. . . .
Sherri Lynn has put out a challenge on her website.
Whether you like to follow fixed patterns, or prefer to improvise with your patchwork, I challenge you to make one quilt top and back from salvaged clothing, linens, curtains or other household materials within the next 365 days.
And to paraphrase our inspiring VP of Programs Charlotte Noll – "We can't resist a challenge!"
We're hoping to get a great participation from our guild and hopefully Sherri Lynn will see our "Make Do" tops when she comes for BQE. (You can even enter it in the show!)
- Read the challenge instructions on Daintytime, Sherri Lynn Wood's website.
- Follow @sherrilynnwood on Instagram.
- Start looking around your house for items to recycle for your own "Making Do" quilt. How about old linens (cut around the stains)? T-shirts? An old military uniform or suit? Pieces of leather or other craft items from smaller projects? A stuffed animal that's seen better days? A purse that you can disassemble? Put on your thinking caps and bring your inspiration to the next SFMQG meeting for our Make Do Show and Tell.
- One of our amazing guild members mentioned Resource Depot in West Palm Beach. Check out their website for more inspiration and ways to use recycled materials in your day to day projects.
- Look at ways to recycle and reuse items in your quilting projects.
- Make a quilt top (doesn't have to be super big, how about a mini?) or a small project featuring your "Make Do" item. Make sure you tag it with #makedoquilt on Instagram. You can also check out that tag for more inspiration.
- Our guild's Challenge ends at the June 2017 meeting!
- Don't forget you can also win a prize from Sherri Lynn Wood! Her deadline for finishes is August 11 2017.
We'll be having special Show & Tell at the end - every participant will get a cool button (and I KNOW y'all are about those buttons!) and there will be some cool little prizes.
Any questions or comments? Please feel free to email me or post on our Facebook page! Happy Making Do!
~ Patti Auten - VP of Projects