October Block of the Month
This month’s Block of the Month has something for everyone! Want to paper piece? How about modern traditional? Prefer to improv? Have at it!
The theme for the blocks is spools and we’re only asking that you stay in a color way.
Here’s the concept. The photo is of the Emerald Coast Modern Quilt Guild’s Show and Tell from an older BOM lottery they had. Quilt by Laraine Acosta.
Emerald Coast MQG Spools BOM quilt by Lariane Acosta
As you can see, we’d like spools but in the colors shown. Very South Florida. The white is a Kona snow - it’ll help give the quilt some cohesion when we use different sizes and spool types. The spindles themselves are a light brown (think sand since we’re making it in Florida colors). If you make an Aurifil style spool, I’m sure they’ll forgive the artistic license used.
In order to make it simpler for the winner to assemble, please keep your dimensions as follows:
Width - multiples of 4” (plus the 1/2” seam allowance)
Height - multiples of 6” (plus the 1/2” seam allowance)
So yes, you may make a 4” block. Or you could make an 18” block. Please yourself and make it yours!
Diane had suggested we try a spool pattern and this one seems right up our alley.
Isabella found the following tutorials and or patterns if you need an idea:
Submitted by Linda