First clue will be shared at the General Meeting Saturday, 4/21/18
The Modern Mystery Quilt-Along (QAL) Kick-Off is today, April 21st, 2018 and will continue for six months until October 2018.
General Information:
The QAL will consist of six rows which will be joined together to make a quilt. Each of the six rows will be approximately 14.5 inches tall by 42 inches wide.
Each "row" will pertain to part of the story.
Each "row" will have suggested patterns for the quilter to follow – but can be used in an improvisational manner.
Each "clue" will be read at the monthly meeting and will be available on the SFMQG blog within a day or two along with hints and links for that month's block.
Each quilter will use her own fabric palette. Modern quilt fabrics, solid and low volume prints are encouraged to make the blocks "modern".
Follow the blog for monthly updates!!!